Someone said there were two, but really it's three.
1. The Ignorant
Probably the most respectable of the three, honestly. Politics are confusing, puppies on Instagram are more entertaining, and it's all just so frustrating that throwing up your hands turning your attention to ESPN or Buzzfeed is the more satisfying action. Can't say I blame you.
2. The Dumb
Dumb isn't the right word, but it's easy to throw around. Lacking in critical thinking is the apt descriptor. Sheer inability to look at X and understand the correlation with Y. Inability is the crux of it - refusal is linked to #3.
3. The Nihilist.
This is the most tribalisc of the three. The tribe just wants to win. Facts don't matter. Codes of ethics, logic, and reason don't apply. Blinders are donned in the event of malfeasance by members of the tribe, and spotlights shown on the most minor slights of the other tribe. Lies are willfully concocted and accepted, because winning is the thing that matters. Everything else is a double standard waiting to be constructed.
The three may overlap - often they do. But these are the three. Ignorant, dumb, and nihilistic.
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